Summertime Thoughts

As we move into the summer vacation season here, we’d like to offer a few basic business tips to ponder if you get some time.

Emphasize How You’re Different
Write a list of the things that make your business different from your competitors. Build these differences into every contact you have with your customers so your business always stands out in the customer’s mind.

Give a Little Bit Extra
Just because the economy is tight for just about everyone, don’t short change your customers. As business management expert Tom Peters says: “Under promise; over deliver”. The customers you want to keep will remember.

Just Say No
Some times you need to say no to a customer. If they want it done too cheaply, or they want something that just won’t do the job, politely tell them no. The customer is always right except when their not.

Make It Right
We all make mistakes. Some installs just don’t go as planned, or there is a manufacturers defect. If something needs to be fixed, fix it, and document everything. Recovery from a bad situation is a great loyalty builder.

Take a look in the Mirror
Tailor all your contact with your customers from their point of view. You have a service they need, and they don’t necessarily understand how things work. Give them easy to understand information that makes dealing with your company a better experience than your competitors. This goes double for your web sites and mailings.

Take Some Me Time
Give everything you’ve got to your business, but don’t forget to take time for yourself. A little R&R from time to time will help you to be mentally sharp and focused, so you can make the best business decisions.

Be sure that all of your employees are aware of your company policies related to these tips, so they are implemented properly every day with every customer and potential customer.

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