Build to Last on a Solid Foundation

Your business’ success all starts with a solid foundation.

Solid FoundationOver the past 30 years, we have worked with all types of businesses from struggling companies to some of most profitable Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning, and Electrical Service companies ranging in size from one truck service companies to companies with over 100 service techs. Regardless of size, it is very clear how different a successful profitable service business operates vs companies that struggle year after year.

There is a formula a recipe for growth, profits, and success, and it’s not very complicated. It’s actually very basic. It’s fundamental. However, it only works if you focus on it and actually implement it in your business.

Over the years there have been many new sales training techniques, pricing ideas and approaches. Many of these so called “new” concepts are not new, but just repackaged systems in fancy sales clothes. Many of these flavors of the week training and pricing systems have come and gone many times over the past 30 years.

No training, software, consulting, or sales and marketing plan will help you grow a profitable service business without first having setup your accurate breakeven cost per hour and selling price in an easy to use delivery system.

It seems that the fundamentals and foundation of how to grow your profitable service business have been pushed to the aside in favor a simple guess-o-matic pricing system. Many “Field Service Management” software providers decided there was no need to determine a breakeven cost per hour or to set profitable selling prices. It almost seems that business fundamentals are no longer in style.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Many early adopters of these new schemes have seen their sales drop along with their profits, and are now looking for answers. Getting back to basics is their plan of action to try to recover from the systems that rely on bad guesses by software companies with no experience in the business.

So, what’s the solution?

Build a Solid Foundation

  1. Determine your own profitable selling price.
  2. Implement your pricing with an organized pricing system.
  3. Train your people how to deliver your products.
    (Product knowledge, Pricing, and Customer Service).
  4. Measure performance.
  5. Adjust to market conditions.
  6. Update pricing & training regularly.

Let us help you build your solid foundation – it’s what we do.

We can help you fine tune your breakeven, set your sales forecast, roll out your delivery system, train your employees, and help you get the results you want. Give us a call at
800-841-8542 to see how we can help you build your own solid foundation.

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