Yes, Your Prices Are Outdated

NSPG Numbers CruncherUnless you recently crunched your numbers, updated your price delivery system, and retrained your employees, the prices that you are offering to your customers are wrong. It’s an inescapable fact that without some real effort, your prices will not reflect your actual costs. Having that fancy new tablet app using outdated prices may seem like progress, but for many it is just a more modern way to sell at a loss.

Why should you update your price guides on a regular basis?

And, by a regular basis we mean more often that once every few years – when you get around to it – when you have the time.

Updating your Price Guides will:

  • Increase your profits by offering your services at a price that covers your costs, and earns you a profit every time.
  • Increase your customer satisfaction & loyalty. By offering a set of Value Option Solutions to better meet your customer’s needs and letting your customers choose the solution that they think will meet their needs. There will be less sales pressure that can often lead to buyer’s remorse. 

    Older Price Guides and many tablet based systems don’t take advantage of Value Option Pricing and balance task time based on average Time on Task. These allow you to avoid push back on those small tasks that are difficult to show value.
    Value options can easily increase your average call by as much as 30 to 40%.

  • Keep your techs happy. Easily offer Value Options that are custom designed to meet your customer’s needs and desires, and provide them with an outstanding customer service experience.  It’s easier and faster for your techs to offer Custom Value Options on every call. Value Options packages included in updated pricing systems can help to reduce or even eliminate commodity pricing of your services. All without the need for heavy sales training.

Why is maintaining profitable pricing always a problem?

Your overhead and labor costs change all the time, as do your sold hours. You need to constantly make adjustments in your selling price to maintain profit levels that will keep your company growing and put dollars in your bank account. Keeping the same prices when your business changes will negatively affect your business growth and profits. This is a mistake that consistently successful companies never make.

Updated Price GuideImplementing these new price delivery techniques has never been easier or faster with NSPG Price Guides, and is now available with the Price Guide mobile web app. The added advantage of built in inspection forms in the NSPG Web App makes add on sales easier for even the most reluctant field techs.

Even if you use another price delivery system, crunching your numbers now will pay off. A personalized review of your numbers can make updating any system easier, less stressful, and more accurate. We can help with that. Just give us a call at 800-841-8542.

Now is the time to get your prices, your tasks and your deliver system updated. The new NSPG Printed Price Guides or the new NSPG Price Guide Mobile can make it easy.

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